Get R' Done

In the last couple of weeks, I have emptied stinky trash accidentally left behind by some clients that moved out of state, shoveled driveways and sidewalks of clients that have moved out of state so that future owners can access the home for showings, and delivered homemade cinnamon rolls to first time home buyers as a thank you for their loyalty.

  • The "trash" house got 2 offers within a day of the trash being removed. 

  • The snowed-in house is under contract since the family didn't break their necks on the stairs leading up to the front door.

  • The first time owners hopefully aren't feeling so overwhelmed as they have sweet treats in their tum-tum, which always makes me happy. 

I am not afraid to get my hands dirty or ache from some snow removal. Especially if it means I get to repeat my past 8 days of 7 homes under contract.

Bottom line: I will do whatever it takes to GET R' DONE in the way of service with results.


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