All I Wanna Do is Go For The Gold

I can't help it - I'm shamelessly addicted to the Olympics. Is it the athletes' greatness? Seeing their life-long goals unfold? Fierce competition? Unity of our world on the same platform?

Who knows...All I know is that watching them makes me realize that the day to day life of a Realtor/Mom/Wife/Neighbor could certainly use some intense training and Olympic-esque focus.

 Maybe, just maybe though...its my multiple titles that allow Olympian focus to stray. Olympians have one goal - one dream - to be an Olympian.

I have many: #1 Realtor, All Star Mom, Irreplaceable Wife, Giving Neighbor...

End result: Bring it on world - Megan is going for gold in all of the above events!

To follow 2012 London Olympics: check this site out.


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