"No Place Like Home"
Every time I go "home" to western KS...I am reminded of how precious HOME is.
Its where you roots are. Its where your family lives. Its where your memories still live.
This j-o-b I have of helping folks buy and sell their homes, is not just an everyday occurrence or a business transaction. There are deeply rooted memories, big dreams and plans, and families under construction in the spaces we call HOME.
It is my honor to share some of my roots through photos here...yep, everyone is famous in a small town. We put cheerleaders on fire trucks and drive tractors down Main Street under the title "parade." We host Kansas Biggest Rodeo annually and we gather around pot-luck dinners (which is actually lunch) to catch up with family and friends.
My son rode a mutton for all of 2 seconds, my daughter chased and ate at least 25 suckers at the parade, and we all took in another year's worth of Rodeo.
I am grateful for my job of helping families find their next home or move out of their current home. I am grateful for the Home I grew up in and the Home I now have filled with my own family...because when you return from wherever you have been...
There is No Place Like Home.
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